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Babolat Strings

Strings are extremely important in tennis. Because these are in contact with the ball during the execution of each stroke, they largely determine the feeling, power and control you experience upon ball impact. In addition, there are major differences in the material and playing properties of tennis strings. Therefore, it is crucial that you find a suitable string that suits your needs. Whether you prefer spin, control, power, comfort or feel, you will find what you are looking for within Babolat's string range.

RPM Range

Ultimate Spin

The Babolat RPM string series has been developed with the evolution of tennis towards the modern spin-oriented game in mind. The snapback qualities and durability of these monofilament strings ensure consistent, maximum rotation, expressed in "Revolutions Per Minute". RPM strings are very popular, both among professionals such as Rafael Nadal and Carlos Alcaraz, among others, and in the recreational and competitive circuits.

Shop Babolat RPM

Touch VS

Ultimate Feel

The Babolat Touch VS is the modern version of the 100% natural gut string, which was invented by Babolat in 1875 and made it possible to play tennis. Players with the Babolat Touch VS string in their racket have now collectively won more than 100 Grand Slam titles. These iconic strings offer ultimate feel and tension retention, which will convince you of their fantastic playability.

Shop Babolat Touch VS

XcF Range

Extreme Comfort

The XcF string series is Babolat's multifilament category, developed for ultimate comfort combined with the playing characteristics modern tennis strings demand. The Babolat XcF series contributes to the enjoyment of the game and the arm-friendliness that keep you on the court for as long as possible.

Shop Babolat XcF

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