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Yonex Strings

Yonex takes great pride in crafting their strings at their own facilities in Japan. They meticulously analyze every aspect, down to the smallest millimeter, to achieve absolute perfection in each polyester string they produce. This unwavering dedication to precision, coupled with their complete control over the manufacturing process, enables Yonex to provide top-notch strings that boast unparalleled consistency.

PolyTour Pro

The Yonex PolyTour Pro is a highly versatile string. This softer monofilament string excels in areas like power, spin, and comfort. That makes it suitable for players with various strokes and levels of expertise. The 'ball-pocketing' property of the Yonex PolyTour Pro allows the ball to stay slightly longer on your string bed, enabling you to add extra ball rotation and precision to your shots. Try this comfortable monofilament string and experience it for yourself.

Yonex PolyTour Pro Strings

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